pp108 : Selecting a Web Service and a Time-Frame for a Business Measure

Selecting a Web Service and a Time-Frame for a Business Measure

This topic describes the procedure to select Web Service Definition Set and Time Frame for the Business Measure.

The published Business Measure (BM) is saved as a Web service and can be used to in a KPI or Dashboard to view the results of the defined query. You can define a timeframe to execute the BM in that time period.

  1. Select any one of the Web service Definition Set option under Select Web service Definition Setsection:
    Option Description
    New Select New option, if you want to provide a new Web service Definition set to the BM. This option is selected by default. The Web service Definition Set Name and Web service Definition Set Namespace fields are enabled; enter a name and namespace in the respective fields. By default, the Web service Definition Set Name gets filled by the BM name.
    Note: The Web service Definition Set Name and Web service Definition Set Namespace are mandatory fields and should not begin with a number. Blank spaces or special characters are not allowed.
    Existing Select Existing option, if you want to apply any existing Web service Definition set. The Existing Web service Definition Set Name field is enabled with .
    Note: The Existing Web service Definition Set Name is a mandatory field and it should not begin with a number. Blank spaces or special characters are not allowed. Click , and select the web service Definition Set name from the Select Web service Definition Set dialog. The Existing Web service Definition Set Namespace field remains disabled. Depending on the Web service Definition Set you select, this field is populated with Namespace automatically.

Select the required Time Frame option:

Option Action
Static Range The Static Range option fetches data for the range falling within the specified From and To dates. Both the From and To are mandatory fields for Static Range. The Static Range option is selected when you visit this page for the first time, by default.
Rolling Dates

Select the Rolling Dates option to fetch data from a repeating time period of a specific length that moves continuously, which can be year, month, week, day, hour, minute, or second. Only one such period is selected to calculate the BM; for example, the last month. You must also select whether to evaluate data for the Last full period or for the Current period in progress.

  • For example, if you set the period to 1 month and select Last full period, the BM (BM) will always reflect the value based on the last completed month. In the month of March, the last completed month would be February. When April starts, the BM value is no longer based on the data from February but would be based on the data from March. At all times, the BM calculation is based on a full month of data. Alternatively, if you select the Current period in progress, the BM calculation is based on the current month and date. On March 12th, the BM is calculated based on the Feb 12th to March 12th data. When April starts (say April 1st), the BM calculation value will then be based on the data from March 1st to April 1st.

When the Last full period option is considered and the time period is configured in terms of hours, minutes, or seconds, it will be based on the UTC standard.

  • For example, if a Business Process Model(BPM) is executed at 5:20 PM IST (UTC+5:30), it will be recorded in the BAM repository as 11:50 AM UTC. If a time frame in a BM is configured on the last completed 1 hour, then the process instance data is reflected in the BM response only after 5:30 PM IST, as the one hour completion in terms of UTC is between 11:00 AM UTC to 12:00 PM UTC. 

If you choose Static Range option, From and To date fields are enabled. If you choose Rolling Dates choice, the Period and Base Period fields are enabled. Note: When you select one of the above options, the fields in the remaining option will automatically be disabled.


  1. To get data for a specified range, select Static Range option.
    1. Click , next to From, to select the start date to fetch the data.
    2. Click , next to To, to select the end date to fetch the data.
  2. To get data based on rolling dates, select Rolling Dates option.
    1. Type the period in Period and select the duration in the range of Minute(s) or Hour(s) or Day(s) or Week(s) or Month(s) from the drop-down.
    2. Select one of the following options as the Base Period:
      Option Description
      Last Completed 'Period' Data required for last full period.
      Current 'Period' in-progress Data required for current period in-progress.

The Web service and Time Frame for the BM are selected.

After you complete this task:

  • Click Finish to complete the creation of a BM. The BM and the corresponding composite control is created and is added to the project content tree.
    Note: The BM gives a processed value based on the underlying query and the time frame (if applicable) defined in BM Editor.
  • The BM created is available as a composite control and you can drag the composite control on Dashboard (XForms) designer. Specify properties (on right click or double-click the composite control) to it like view type, ranges, input parameters, and so on, and then view it in the dashboard.
    • For further details on creating a User Interface (XForm) and the task that is automatically generated when you create a user interface refer Creating XForms.
    • Save the XForm and assign it to a user or role. For more details on assigning the XForm to a user, refer to Assigning Tasks to Users. You can access the dashboard created through XForms designer.
  • You must publish the BM.